PANCI international ice hockey school

Holiday - Friends - Hockey

Skating - Stickhandling - Game - Fun

These four words describe the philosophy of the PIIHS.


Skating is the fundamental prere- quisit for every hockeyplayer and therefore it is our center of interest of our program. We focus on an exact skating technique that is exercised correctly.

  • Skating forwards/backwards
  • Spins
  • Turns
  • Changing directions speed
  • Powerskating


Hockey, which is a tactical game, is based on the ability of the players to think fast, to observe everything  and to decide quickly. The players have to understand the strategies and tactics that their team is playing and execute them immediately.

Therefore we put a lot of emphasis on playing a lot to develop their hockey senses.

  • Games on regular field
  • Games on small size


Puck control without looking is essential to learn to play an attack which is based on passing, receiving and shooting. These skills are to be improved also in off ice practices through special units.

  • puck control on the spot / skating
  • peripheral sight, puck control on the corner of one’s eye
  • fakes / dakes
  • passing and receiving
  • shooting skills


Training, discipline and acting independently together with fun, laughing and joyfulness. Fun on the ice as well as in the off ice activities combined with learning effects on the largest possible scale.

This is what we want to offer and to pass on to every participant. They shall make friends internationally, experience a great and unforgettable week in summer improving their skills for the fastest game of the world and besides getting to know fun sports like Zumba.
